The Intelligence of God
I was in a conversation with a friend a few days ago and He said, God is too mysterious. I smiled and politely said, No, that’s not true.
Notice he used the word ‘too mysterious’. That shows that it is a hard thing to know God’s ways of doing things. That is not true.
One of the things many believers find difficult to relate with, is the intelligence of God.
God is intelligent. There is a logic and pattern to His operations.
Solomon said, the thing that hath been, it is that which shall be(Eccl. 1:9). That tells us that when it comes to life, there is a pattern that you can expect to be repeated. When you know this, you can accurately operate in some dimension of the knowledge of God.
The word intelligence does not mean that there is a big bogus thing. It just means there is a blueprint, a thought process that birthed whatever we see today. So the intelligence of God can be described as the thought-process of God.
Whatever you need God’s help on, if you can find out the thought process of God about it from His Word, you will be able to know how to actualize it.
Don’t be vague, about God, find out His thoughts.