Too young to be an apostle?
I was in a meeting one day when someone was talking about the office of the apostle.
How that you must have worked in ministry to a very great point before you can be called an apostle.
I took time to think about the whole thing based on scriptures and I arrived at some conclusions;
- Many think that office is the last you attain because it is the highest office.
That’s not true.
There’s no scripture for that. Yes, it is listed first, but the listing is horizontal, not vertical.
- I noted that the current opinion is that the office is a title that not just anyone can bear.
While this is true in a way, the scriptures made it clear that anyone separated unto the Gospel has been, since before conception, not after he’s worked for it.
The office is not a reward it is a gift that the bearer is from heaven.
- Also, people feel the apostle is the most powerful office.
Even Paul emphasizes that apostles are servants of all.
Apostle means someone sent on a mission. I prefer to see apostles majorly as missionaries.
Although, capacities differ.
But they are missionaries, hence not a title to be greatly desired.
- In my opinion and experience, I believe the office of the pastor is like the most difficult job of them all.
(Note that all have their peculiarities and we can’t truly compare them).
Do you have any idea how difficult that job is?
Yet, we have no problem if a young person is titled pastor, but apostle? Nah!
- There is something Paul calls ‘the seal of apostleship’, this he said, referring to the people to whom he’s sent.
‘Wisdom is justified of by all who accept it’ truly.
While a minister may not be an apostle (sent) to everyone, at least, he is an apostle to his people. He is sent to them and they receive him in the name of an apostle.
- There are the signs of an apostle.
What more if a minister can deliver the signs of an apostle.
He is still not qualified to be one until he is certified by you?
Because you’re the standard God considers before He calls people??
- While it is true that many people have bastardized that office (of course much more the office of the prophet), there are originals.
There can’t be a counterfeit if there’s no original.
There’s no fake 2,000 naira note, because there is no original.
We can’t castigate the true officers of apostleship because there are clowns parading as one.
We must honour that office, it is work! Not a title.
Final thoughts
I have met young people called truly to the apostolic office who are doing the work with all passion.
You don’t want to know the sacrifices they have made.
You really don’t want to know.
Imagine now calling them fake because they’re young.
They may be young yes, not fully mature yes, they have an advantage, they are GROWING!
I’d rather have someone growing than someone who has reached the peak.
Let’s all embrace, celebrate anyone who is TRULY called to the office of an apostle, no matter their age, because they are a missionaries on an assignment, not men seeking titles to be praised of men.
God bless you.